tirsdag 9. september 2014


People like us want to be well,
But people like us are a broken shell.
We try so hard as days go by
Not to let others hear our cry.
In our minds, we’re kind,
but what comes out is twisted and twined.
Some like us have been told
that our souls have been sold.
That isn’t the case,
It’s what’s in our minds we can’t face.
It’s almost as if a spell has been cast,
the key to our future is in our past.
In order to go forward we must go back
our deep dark secrets we must attack.
It’s safer for us to wear a mask
then to face that task.
It’s as if we need a potion
to open the depths of our oceans.
We’re different, yet we’re the same,
although our minds can’t be tamed.
We shouldn’t be made to feel ashamed,
for we really can’t be blamed....

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